Pastoral Care & Counseling
Together we will find solutions and ways that fit your life, because you know yourself best.
Pastoral Care
What is pastoral care? How is it different from a counseling session? In pastoral care, we look at your issues from a Christian perspective.
Your faith is a resource and is perceived as such and actively included in the counseling process. Christian pastoral care, which is based on the biblical image of man, invites God to take part in the conversation and to show us his view of things.
The difference to counseling is the spiritual dimension that comes into a pastoral conversation.
Supportive Counseling
In the counseling session, we work together to develop solutions for your issues. You will get to know and understand yourself better.
We will work out your strengths and you will discover new resources. You are encouraged to take steps, dare and practice new things so that you can actively shape your life.
In the consultation, I support you on your very own path.
My counseling sessions are open to all people, regardless of their ethnic, religious and social affiliation. I look forward to hearing about you, your story, your questions and your concerns.
Marriage & Partnership
You have married the man or woman of your dreams and now everyday life has returned. The shine has fallen off and some things are so different than you imagined. There are things that annoy you or you realize that your expectations are not being met. You may also have expectations that you cannot or do not want to meet.
Many couple conflicts have to do with our very own personal values. We have our image in our heads of what marriage should be like, or what it shouldn't be like. Your partner may see things differently.
Learning to understand what the other person's motives are, what value system their decisions are based on, helps to approach each other again.
Two different people also bring different strengths and resources. It is worth learning about and appreciating these and using them in your marriage.
House & Farm
Living together and working together on a farm presents a couple or a family with very special challenges.
Work and leisure are not clearly separated, the unforeseeable often happens and holidays sometimes seem unattainable. For many couples with a farm, spontaneously going away for a weekend is still something that only occurs in their dreams.
Another generation often lives on the farm and the ideas of when, what and how should be done are very different.
Talking to a neutral person in such situations and getting an outside perspective is often worth its weight in gold and encourages you to address things, change them, redesign them and also to perceive and weigh the positive things that already exist.
God, Faith & Church
Jesus Christ asks us to love others as much as ourselves. But it's not always that easy.
He also calls us to unity and yet sometimes we have different ideas and conceptions of church than our neighbors.
Sometimes we totally disagree with God and what He does or doesn't do, or we don't understand why He allows something or doesn't prevent something.
Together we set out to ask questions and seek answers.
Family & Upbringing
Anyone who starts a family embarks on a lifelong adventure.
In an educational consultation, I will give you knowledge about the development of the child, what to expect at what age, what goals children want to achieve and what you have to do with it.
We develop helpful methods of how education can succeed.
Together we will consider which values are central to you and what makes family special for you.
What would you like to pass on to your children from your family of origin and what would you like to do differently?
Family counseling is just as suitable for single parents as it is for couples.
Even in difficult situations, such as during a separation or divorce, it makes sense to take advantage of family counseling.
Friendship & Leisure
Structuring everyday life and using leisure time sensibly is not always easy.
Sometimes chaos takes over and one wonders how one could better structure the daily routine so that there is time for friendships and hobbies.
Corona hasn’t made leisure activities any easier either, and some friendships are more difficult than they used to be because, for example, there is disagreement on the vaccination issue.
Some friendships last a lifetime while some people are always looking for new friends.
This can have very different reasons: friendships break up, you or your boyfriend or girlfriend have developed in a different direction, you have moved house or you simply want to make new friends.
How can you do it?
What does friendship mean to you?
What is important to you in a friendship?
And where does the friendship end?
What is your contribution to the friendship?
I look forward to setting out with you to find answers to your questions.
Job & Employment
Each person spends a lot of time working. Be it at home or at another workplace.
If the work is fun and the environment is right, the work will be easy. But sometimes it just gets stuck somewhere. It helps to take a closer look.
Do I no longer enjoy the work itself?
Am I working too much and not having enough free time?
Is the working atmosphere poisoned or is there often bad air in the workplace?
Many factors influence whether we like to work or whether we would rather not get up in the morning.
Together we will search for the points that are important for you, your work and professional career. We consider what you can change and discuss which steps might be suitable for you.
If you are looking for career or professional advice, I recommend Ms. Monika Heeb. (
Arrive and be at ease
My counseling facility is located in our farmhouse just outside of Wildhaus and is surrounded by meadows, forest and mountains.